If you are a EUVC regular listener you know we've had a few of Seedcamp's stars on the show, but this will be a whole new ride. This is the first of a two-part special episode. Today we are happy to welcome Miguel Pinho, head of technology at Seedcamp, he works on internal and public-facing projects ensuring they leverage the right tool suite to continue to identify, invest and support the most exciting companies out there.
In this episode you’ll learn:
Miguel’s journey to becoming one of Europe’s leading voices on the VC Tech stack & the path to being a truly data-driven VC
How Seedcamp’s journey with tech took Miguel from a Fireman-phase, through a Gandalf-phase, then McGiver-phase to finally arrive at the Architect-phase
Why simple and unsexy things like Password managers are things VC managers need to think about when building their tech stack and why
Why, how and when VCs should think about hiring a head of tech
Why FOMO might be a good thing in venture, but a terrible thing in building the VC tech stack - and pervasive in the industry nonetheless
You can also listen on your favorite podcast platforms: linktree.com/theeuropeanvc
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